sekuntum mawar merah.. sebuah puisi.. utk gadis pilihan.. ooooooooooo..... di bulan februari.. nyanyian kucing lorong a.k.a. alleycats.. hahaha.. dis is a great song.. jiwang?? no.. everybody hav a feeling and hav a right to show their feeling.. its natural.. hohoho.. kali nie aku akan try tulis sebyk mgkin cerite utk bacaan sesape yg open blog aku.. bkn ape, cume bg aku ni ruang yg terbaek utk aku bercerite ttg bnde yg jd hari demi hari..
maybe ade yg bley dijadikan teladan, ade gak yg kite bley ktawe bersame, ade gak cite sedey.. pokok nya, blog saya ini akan jd blog universal yg memuat kan semua jenis cerita kok.. hahaha.. tgk, bhsa aku pon universal..
utk kali nie.. tema cm gmbr n lagu kat ats tu.. aku dikeciwa kan.. bagai mana sampah terbuang.. begitu lah penderitaan ku.. sdey kot.. aku dh btol2 ptos ngn die.. my fren, my besfren, my gf.. syg cmne pon tp kalo dh tkdir x berpihak kat aku, nk wat cmne lg.. besor sgt ke pgkat aku nk melawan takdir..?? xpon, juz manusie biase jek..
but, there a lot of moment to be remembered.. her smile, her laugh.. its make me feel so happy to see she react like a kid when she got a flower from me.. she smile, she laugh, excited n looked so happy.. i juz want to share n remember da best thing dat we share together.. she got her first ring n first flower from me.. there no other boy give her thing like dis.. im proud..
walaupon aku pendek dpd die, die xpnah tunjuk yg die xselesa n malu bile jln ngn aku.. she still wanna hold my hand, she still called me "syg" kat mane2 pon, termasuk kat public.. die cool jek bile org ckp kteorg xspadan la, cm adik n akak la.. die bg aku "kuma2", cincin, n mcm2 lg yg aku xpnah imagine pon.. she really nice gurl sbenornyer...... but...

now, kembali single.. am i ready to move on..?? juz wait n see.. if ade pmpn yg aku mnt n ske pon, dh xde konpiden la.. need time to refresh.. so skrg, its time to enjoy.. to "u", be happy ok..